Quercus insignis

At last we seem to have been able to keep a Quercus insignis alive in the garden for about 5 years now. Numerous trees have been tried in different places in the woodland and been knocked back by the winter every time. There were just two plants left nearly 4 metres tall about 50 metres apart and last winter nailed one right back to a few twigs but this one looks terrific and is shooting away with chocolate/purple coloured young foliage up to 30cm long this spring as can be seen here.

I have just received a couple more seedlings which after growing on for a few years inside will be ready to plant next to this one as it looks as if we have found the spot to give them the best chance of survival. The acorns are spectacular being several inches in diameter and shaped rather like flying saucers. It would be amazing if one day one of these subtropical Mexican trees would oblige and produce fruits in Cornwall……